<aside> <img src="/icons/info-alternate_purple.svg" alt="/icons/info-alternate_purple.svg" width="40px" />

Hi! Thanks for getting this template :)

This is a planner that will help you manage your assignments, classes, tests, and more as a student. I hope this helps you as much as it helped me — I use this planner myself in my day-to-day life.

This template was inspired by Amy Wang’s A+ Digital Planner. Please check her out on her socials and on Youtube @wamyy5.

When you see the purple info symbol, that’s me giving you some instructions or pro tips. Feel free to delete them afterwards.

Customize this template however you want! This is YOUR planner, so change it to suite YOUR needs.

To get started with this planner:

First, go to “Classes.” Customize your classes as needed.

Next, go to “Planner.” You’ll be using it more often. Enter in assignments, study plans, exams, and plan when you’ll do them.

Don’t like the color of the calendar and clock? Go to https://www.widgetbox.app/ (you’ll have to create an account) and choose “Simple Calendar” and “Digital Clock.” From there, you can change the colors.

To change the Spotify playlist, go to Spotify and copy the embed link of your playlist. Embed it onto this notion page. Choose a music study playlist YOU like!

If you liked this template, check out some of my other notion templates.

I make templates like these for free, since I want to help make your life a little easier. I spent a lot of time to make this, so to show support, please leave a good review :)

Any problems, concerns, or suggestions? Fill out this form.








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thanks for getting this template! i am a student creating notion templates for fun. if you liked this, check out some of my other templates.

mabel templates @mablu_templates