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You’ll be visiting this page most often, to write down homework/study plans and to plan when you’re doing them. Assignments & Studies. ”Assignments” are the homework and projects assigned by your teacher. “Studies” are the studying activities you plan to do.
If you have an assignment, leave the “Studying Activity?” (with the open book icon) box unchecked, and vice versa. The checkbox determines whether the task will appear as an assignment or study.
The “Unfinished” and “Finished” tabs only show assignments.
Use the “Due” property to show when you’ll do a studying activity.
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This Week. This is how you’ll plan when to do things.
This view only shows tasks that are not finished yet. When you finish them, they’ll disappear.
When you’ll be doing something in the future, drag them into “Next Week,” “Next Month,” or “Later” at the far right.
Frustrated that you can’t see all the days at once? You can close the sidebar by clicking on the << or Ctrl + \. If you still don’t like it, you can hide the currently empty/unnecessary days by clicking on the 3 dots next to the slot (…) and clicking “Hide group.” To show it again, go to the 3 dots (…) on the top right > Layout > Group by > and show it again.
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Exams. Keep track of upcoming quizzes and tests to study for.
If you’d like to change the different exam types, click Exam Type > Edit Property.
The checkbox shows if you’re already done the exam.
You can use the “Calendar” view to check out exams with a calendar.
When you open an exam, you’ll see the properties “Letter Score,” “Percentage,” and “Questions.”